Sunday, July 15, 2007

#2 Wonder @@ That

The 7 Wonders of Portugal according to Bloguistan are served to you in no particular order; however, wonder number two always comes first on my Wonder scale...
Meet Marisa Cruz - the best thing that happened to lucky Footballer João Pinto, himself a serious candidate to be one of the "wonders of Portugal" for infamously punching a referee in Korea/Japan 2002 World Cup. Now, at age 36, he's playing for FC Braga and to everybody's wonder, is in fact, Mr. Marisa Cruz.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

#1 First Portuguese Sports Car

As promised, here is Wonder number one:

Vinci Gt, the first ever sports car completely made in Portugal, except for the motor.
The people who crafted the car, probably felt it would sell better worldwide if it had a familiar, international name - like "Vinci".

I have only the utmost respect and admiration for the Renaissance genius, probably the greatest genius ever, but just perhaps, "Gama" would be a good name too - not only is known internationally as well, it also has "Da" before the name...

No wonder then, that the world thinks our navigators are Spanish, Italian, etc.
Fears that consumers abroad would frown at a Portuguese made car, are justified. The car failed to start during its official presentation... making Da Vinci look bad.
But when it runs, that puppy can really go: 300 km/ph of pure

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Even 7

‘Tis the day of druids and dwarves – the mythical 07.07.07 is upon us.

Quite appropriately, a symbolic election of the NEW 7 WONDERS is tacking place in Lisbon on this day, month and year. Just before the official ceremony begins, the election of the 7 “wonders of Portugal” is the consolation prize Portugal awards itself for missing out on the real big nominations…

Questionably, none of our many “wonders” qualified to be in the posh final list, so Bloguistan will soon post its very own list...

Now, seriously, what can compare to the ancient pyramids of Egypt, anyway? I'm a bit of a traditionalist, so only the original 7 wonders will do for me...

I feel that the only wonder to come out of this election, where anyone could vote online as many times as wished, the only big surprise is if Bush doesn’t claim this election too.